There’s not much I can really say about this.
It’s a workout mix, with narration and motivation by your workout partner, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
It’s also one of the campest things I’ve ever had on my iTunes, and will sit nicely next to your Arnold Schoenberg collection.
So let’s do push ups to Don’t Stop Believing by Journey!
Warm up time to Gladys Night & The Pips!
Biceps curls to It’s Raining Men!
Work those triceps to Blue Oyster Cult!
I’m not joking.
Download HERE (55mb)
Was this the soundtrack to the movie, Pumping Iron? Brings back embarassing memories of a boyfriend taking me to watch it when I was a teen. What a bizarre film choice for a "romantic" date!
Uh! Me wanty! How can anyone be expected to keep fit without this? I've been wondering what was missing...
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